Representatives from the Federal ministry of environment (FMEv) along with the Abuja Environmental Protection Board (AEPB) and Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) have visited the Africa Centre of Excellence on Technology Enhanced Learning (ACETEL) on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, to inspect the ongoing ACETEL building construction Project to ensure that site activities are in compliance with the World Bank and National Building Policies.

The FMEv team who had visited earlier in March for the Impact Mitigation Exercise on the building site, returned to the site for a follow up inspection to verify the current status of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Prof. Jokthan led the team to visit the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Olufemi Peters, who was represented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Technology, Innovation and Research (TIR), Prof. Godwin Akper.

The VC confirmed to the team that there is a contracted waste disposal for the site, as concerns have being raised regarding waste management on the site.

He emphasised the need to maintain quality, citing it as a standard in NOUN, he thanked the team for asking ACETEL to pick up the EIA certificate.

The DVC Academic Prof. Chiedu Mafiena, thanked the team for visiting to ensure environmental management, noting that when the university’s council held a meeting the issues of environmental management was taken into cognisance.

He expressed hope that the FMEv will continue to be a partners in progress, while thanking ACETEL and its consultants for their efforts.

Earlier, During the FMEv teams visit to ACETEL, the Director of the Centre, Prof. Jokthan received the team and briefed them on how far the building Construction project has gone, and how the Centre have been able to put in place and enforce compliance in areas identified by the FMEv that were not in compliance with the site rules.

The leader of the FMEv team, Mrs. Patricia  took over proceedings, raising questions on the construction site to ascertain adherence to site policy.

While giving his report to the team, the ACETEL Health, Safety and Environmental Officer (HSE) Consultant, Omotunde Temitope, said the the current status of the EIA for the air, the soil, water, the top soil, the sub soil, the ground water and surface water are all intact in regards to the FME limit.

“There have not been any negative impact on both the water, the air, and the soi.” he said.

He explained that the construction project has successfully implemented measures to mitigate its environmental impact, resulting in no adverse effects on the surrounding ecosystem.

Noting that there has been a high level of adherence to the environmental policy, demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability and responsible practices.

“According to him “This is a testament of the effective planning, execution, and monitoring of environmental safeguards, ensuring that the projects footprint is minimized and its legacy is environmentally positive.

The Architectural consultant , Architect Onoba Matthew, while gave a break down of the architectural blueprint of the building.

He said, apart from the offices “The bulding has eight labs, the offices are easily ventilated, movement is very easy, there’s special requirements for the physically challenged people, there’s provision for smoking room signal, there’s a library, a conference room among others”

He said the Project which started in November 2023, is meant to be completed in thirty – two weeks but certain factors have caused delay owing to certain factors in Nigeria, noting that an extension period of four months have been given for the completion of the building.

Responding to questions from an FMEv team member, he said, in terms of performance and specification, design checks were properly followed, saying checks were properly followed and all specifications are monitored and followed.

“We carry out regular test, materials are checked before they are purchased.”

The team visited the site to inspect activities in order to assess on site compliance.

The FME team leader, Mrs Patricia, commended ACETEL and its consultant for complying to the site policy stating that there’s an improvement on site as compared to what was met during the last visit.

Loretta Edozie